Malindi airport

411 kilometres from Nairobi main airport, is located Malindi Airport which serves only Kenyan domestic cities with flights operated by five airlines: Airkenya Express, Fly 540, Jambojet, Fly-SAX and Mombasa Air Safari

Open only to civilian traffic, the Kenyan airport runway is designed to accommodate light aircraft. However, a construction plan is underway to extend it so that it is able to accommodate large aircraft. The length of the current runway is estimated at 1400m.


ATMs and shopping centers are located at the airport, in the waiting areas.


Four hotels are located near the airport: Blue Marlin, Driftwood and Lawfords Beach Club, Scorpio Villas Beach Resort.

Access plans

From the Watamu Bay Resort, access to B8 road. Arriving at the Total service station, take the roundabout then turn left. Continue to the airport.

Means of access

To get to the airport without taking his car, one solution is offered to travelers, take a taxi.

Car Park

180 parking spaces are available at a small price near the Malindi airport terminal.

Aeronautical Data


Contact Information

Phone: +254.422.131.201

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